Life today. So, Whitehead is cool. I wrote O Julie and O Jasmine and When Katherine Looks Upon Me (poems). They were well received. AND, Alex is late again. No news there. She had to go to the office. Stupid girl. Ai yi yi.
Tutorial we made fun of the counselors in Palmer. Lol, Mr. Felix tried to sound all professional but he said, “You gotta cross your I’s and… oh wait. Five seconds later, cue laughter from all the kids. Then Ms. Hardy goes all crazy like, “You need to listen to Mr. Felix! He meant to say Cross your T’s and dot your I’s. Listen to the message!” And I’m like, okay, I’ll listen and all, but when he doesn’t make any sense, the message is like… hacking the DaVinci Code or something. I mean, letters make words. Words make thoughts and sentences. But when you fiddle fuck around with them, it’s just gibberish. THEN they HAD to give Mrs. Mungia the microphone. BTW, they didn’t even need the mic. And it was turned up too loud because they couldn’t hear themselves, which further proves their stupidity because they would be able to hear themselves if they STOOD ON THE STAGE. But the light blinded their eyes a little. Puny pansies! Suck it up, I say! And as a result of that pansy-ness, the mic squeaked about a hundred times when they would walk in front of the speaker or talk too loud. Another verbal highlight was Mrs. Mungia saying, “I can’t reiterate what Mr. Felix just said about being dumb. You guys can’t be dumb.” Not gonna bother explaining the frustration on that one. Also, she brought up her STOOOOOPID tissue crap again. She thinks she’s SO smart when she thinks up this shit. I mean, God. “I don’t wanna have to go to Costco and buy tissues so I can cry with you but I will. I will support you. But I’d rather support you on Warne Field.” Holy Christ, did I have fun with that one.
Anyway, then came Graphic Design and I’ve noticed that EVERY CLASS in there lately has resulted in me and Alanna and Alex getting into some sort of argument. Most of the time it’s Alex overreacting to everything as usual and going all crazy for no reason. I get really sad when we fight, but I can’t help just getting so annoyed with her sometimes. I’m not even a fighter. I run away from conflict nine times out of ten. But when I say any little thing she starts her pointless and unsupported attacking! I know it’s coming when I hear her practically scream, “WELL, blabbity blabbity blah insert weak argument here.” Then she finishes up with how it hurts her feelings. The other day I told her she was a very paranoid person the way she’s always, “Oh no, we won’t be able to sit next to Alanna and Chistoso at prom unless we buy our tickets NOW!” It doesn’t matter that she’s broke like Fergie and so am I. And she got so pissed when I told her I wasn’t going to grad night. Come ON. GET OVER YOURSELF YOU SPOILED BRAT. Please. It’s for your own good. Stop telling me how I hurt your feelings all the time. I can just hear her argument. “WELL…” Oy. And BUHS just called with their annoying new phone recordings. They got way too excited when they got that program. I love when they’re distorted. “This is a ca-ca-ca-call from Bra-a-awley Union Hi-i-i-igh…” Makes my night. So back to GD. Then, Alanna was like, “Where do you guys want to go to lunch cuz it’s Cinco De Mayo and we get an hour for lunch.” Alex and I don’t have a 5th period anyway so we were out technically. I was like, “I feel like Tacos & Beer, especially since I can afford it today.” Immediately I hear, “Uhh! You guys go to Tacos & Beer ALL THE TIME and you never go to Stockman’s with me.” I was like, holy shit, she’s gonna blow a fuse, pop a shit. Somebody fix Alanna’s circuits. I’m like, “Alanna, you only asked us once and we did go.” “Well, then come today.” “I don’t like Stockman’s that much.” “Well I HATE everything at Tacos & Beer and I don’t really like Mexican food.” I think Alex was scared shitless so she agreed. When we were walking to her car, I called my mom and was like, “Oh, you need me to go home?” And was able to get away from the PMSing freaks I call my best friends. Yeah, everything did happen, this ain’t made up. And I love them and all, but I wish Chistoso was available more. Sure I’m risking my social life posting this, but oh well. I should have gone to Hacienda with Carson and Cheyenne. Sweetie Pie, that girl.
Well I have to go pick up Austin from baseball practice. It’s Maddy’s birthday today and Saige’s was Friday. Go Saige and Maddy. Woot. And I’ll leave on a good note: LINDSAY IS GETTING MARRIED! I don’t think I’ve talked about Lindsay before, but she’s my Aunt on my dad’s side. Today’s blog is dedicated to the future Mrs. Messner, I think it is. To bad this isn’t a nicer themed blog. Congrats, grrrl! Dylan out.
-Big D