Monday, February 4, 2008

I can type again! Hey guys, I'm ALIVE!!! Yep, I crashed the bug...

Not much more to say... It's hard to type as well, so I'll just leave you with the articles!! The second one is a bit wrong... I was driving TO the Chamber Singers. And to the person who wrote the comment: The Timothy's are badass!! Just know that they are the HAGENS. Their son's name is James Timothy HAGEN. JT. Go Hagens!

-Big D


Caitlin/Landy/Calrissian said...


Caitlin/Landy/Calrissian said...

oh, and also you stupid head. when Mrs. Dailey called to tell me about your accident I was at the Goodwill. And I cried. In the Goodwill. And people looked at me weird because I was standing in the book aisle crying. And I wasn't reading a sad book. And then I wanted to send you flowers, but I thought that was stupid. Then I wanted to mail you something but I thought that was stupid to. So then I texted you. Which was stupid. Because I figured that the phone was lost in the crash. And then I texted you again. Because I didn't know what else to do. And then I went home and painted this box for you. It isn't finished yet. And I don't know if I'll ever get around to mailing it. But I think you should know that A) I cried. B) I thought about doing all the things that good people would do (sending flowers, mailing something). C) Mr. C called me also.

so there. I do care.


p.s. the all caps in my last post is on purpose. I was trying to show the heightened urgency in the post. This post is much longer though.

Caitlin/Landy/Calrissian said...

I'm not sure why I called you a stupid head. And had a really weird sentence fragment. At the very beginning I mean.

I probably called you a stupid head because you made me cry.

yeah, you stupid head.

Caitlin/Landy/Calrissian said...

I'm not stalking you though...

I'm just a concerned citizen/possible future wife.