Saturday, May 16, 2009


Quick update on my life:

I'm up to my eyeballs in theater, and it scares me so. Ryan's "Heart of the Macabre" which includes a short Opera, short Play, and short Musical (idk why i capitalized them) premiers THURSDAY! And I have parts in each, major ones in the Opera/Play. I'm very scared, but I'm trying so hard to learn it all. I have play rehearsal today and then all three throughout the week. I'm just so happy to be performing original work! Ryan is so generous in trusting me with his material. I truly feel honored. Maybe that sounds like a lot of smoke being blown, but whatever. This isn't B-town/IV/Shitstain/The Armpit of California anymore... though I will always love that place... This is college- no. This is UCSB, one of the top theater school in the nation, the only UC with a BFA, the only UC and possibly only college with anything like the College of Creative Studies, and it fucking rocks. I am honored to be presenting this work in this place. I'm struggling with it, but that feels so good because I know the end result will be something I can be proud of.

Not only is this original work, it's my first Opera, first college straight play, first stage killing, first gay character (Opera), first TRIPLE BILLING... and I'm the first ever to bring these three people to life.

Aside from Ryan's thing, Urinetown is flowing along as well, though not so smoothly. It's a bitch, actually. And I need to be off book today. I'm not worried what with my small percentage of lines in the total show. That's one thing I like about musicals: an hour or more is taken up with singing, so you have less lines!

I'm gonna cut this short, but I'll just quickly say that last night I walked into a fat tree branch that made me really disoriented and weird for an hour or so. Later, I had a late-night pool (the kind with balls and the green table) and Legally Blonde sangin' sesh with my chica Christie. As I state on facebook just now, SO THERAPEUTIC.

I'll tell ya how Ryan's show goes!

-Big D

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